Tag: dressage rider training

  • Letting Go! Lynsey Rowan rides Biasini.

    Letting Go! Lynsey Rowan rides Biasini.

    Self Carriage.!

  • The corner is your friend.

    The corner is your friend.

    What does it mean ‘ the corner is your friend’? When I was a teenager and riding in the jumpers my coach always said: “The corner is your friend” He meant that it was my chance to look ahead and get my horse prepared for whatever was coming next. Today I watched Lynsey Rowan have…

  • Here’s the Upside!

    Here’s the Upside!

    I know that I am off with my hip fracture and that is not great but today I got to watch Lynsey Rowan ride Biasini in a lesson with my coach Belinda Trussell. That is the upside of the injury to my hip. What a treat it is to watch a talented professional ride my…

  • Release!


    This week the main emphasis in my lessons has been on releasing the aids as soon as Biasini responds. If I push with my ankle I must release that push the instant he moves forward. But if he does not respond I must maintain the aid,keep it on until he gives me the right answer.Then…

  • Muscle Memory…At Last

    Muscle Memory…At Last

    New muscle memories are becoming more automatic. At last!!

  • It’s up to me to get it right!

    It’s up to me to get it right!

    In my lessons recently my coach Belinda Trussell has been emphasizing is that I must give with the reins. Give before every half halt, give before every transition up or transition down, give before every movement. The problem I had was that once Biasini was fired up I would give and he would speed up.…

  • Olympian pretending to be a horse?

    Olympian pretending to be a horse?

    The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new!  Socrates When I was a kid I used to pretend to be a horse. I would be cantering around the living room and occasionally rearing up like the Lone Ranger’s horse Silver! But I…

  • How much more?

    How much more?

    “You need your lower leg to be 50% stronger” Belinda said in my lesson. Good grief! That means I have only half of the strength needed now and need an improvement of 100% I pleaded to be let off and said that my physio had cautioned me against doing any strengthening exercises . However when…

  • To Compete or not to Compete?

    To Compete or not to Compete?

    “Don’t just ride the movement!”

  • Olympic Inspiration!

    Olympic Inspiration!

    Watching the best riders in the world go through the Grand Prix, one of the most difficult of Dressage tests, and the next day the GP Special is a joy and also an opportunity to learn a lot. I watched these riders and I saw all the things that my coach Belinda Trussell keeps telling…

  • Why must I be Uber Picky?

    Why must I be Uber Picky?

    I have to practice always being Uber Picky!

  • Perfect Posture: Balanced rider, Balanced horse.

    Perfect Posture: Balanced rider, Balanced horse.

    A rider who is functionally strong and balanced will create a strong and balanced horse. As riders, we don’t think of it as science, but strength is a biomechanical process, and correct posture is a requirement for our bodies to move as they were designed. Kathlyn Hossack, Athletic therapist/Kinesiologist. I read this the other day…