Silouettes in Black and White.

This week Cee’s B &W Challenge is Silouettes. Here is my repsonse.

In case you are interested the Tips from Cee page has lots of great tips on how to improve your photos Black and White and Color.






12 responses to “Silouettes in Black and White.”

  1. Maria Avatar

    Beautiful silhouette.

  2. Michele Lee Avatar

    Your responses are outstanding! 👏🏻

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Thanks Michele 💕

  3. beckydue Avatar


  4. nesfelicio Avatar

    Both photos are beautiful. The second I like specially, the play between silhouette and colors.

  5. Neal Saye Avatar

    The second photo is spectacular!

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      I did edit it to be black and white but for some reason some people are still seeing the background color.ah well…

  6. Judy Avatar

    The email notice came in and shows the first picture in black and white. The second pictures shows the horse as a black silhouette, but the background is in color. Visiting here, both pictures are in black and white. Fascinating.

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Hmmmmm… the original photo of the horse’s head was in color in the bg. the first photo has always been black and white. Thanks for pointing this out.

  7. Cee Neuner Avatar

    Oh what wonderful silhouettes you have for us to enjoy this week. Thanks Anne for playing 😀

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Thank you Cee for the challenge!!

      1. Cee Neuner Avatar

        The pleasure is all mine Anne 😀

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