Bloggers Recognition Award!


I am honored to be nominated for a Bloggers Recognition Award by Susmitamukherjee of Uniquesus. I urge you to take a look at this blog. Susmita writes poetry and prose. The short stories are really very good ; they take you into the world that Susmita creates and carry you along and then…..there is an ending that will catch you by surprise.   One of the things that I also appreciate about the stories is that they are set on the other side of the world and for me it is a glimpse into a culture and a country I have never been to. Here is a link to the blog.

The rules for accepting this award as follows.

  1. Give thanks to the person who had nominated you and a link to their blog.
  2. Write a post to show your award.
  3. Briefly tell how you started blogging.
  4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award.
  6. Comment on the nominated blogs and let them know you have nominated them and give a link to the post you have created.

How did I start blogging.

The photo for this award is particularly appropriate. It is an old type writer, the kind I started on in high school, no electricity you had to push hard on the keys.  And no ‘delete’ or ‘backspace’. If you made a typo you had to erase it carefully by hand. If you re-read a paragraph and decided it was all rubbish you snatched the paper out of the typewriter, scrunched it into a ball and threw it across the room or maybe just onto the floor. In the photo you have all this history.

I wrote , on a similar typewriter, in my twenties, for magazines; interviews, reviews and some short stories. I also had a proper day job so the writing was an extra . A few years ago I began to write about the Florida horse show season for a British website and last March my adult son and daughter persuaded me to start my own blog. The freedom to write about what I want and to write without an editor changing the focus of what I have written is a real joy. The other great joy is that I have found other bloggers in so many different parts of the world and getting to know them and read their work is a privilege.

Two pieces of advice for new bloggers.

  1.  Write about the things that interest you in life and write for yourself. Write for the joy of it.
  2.  Take advantage of the Word Press online courses to make the most of your blog. Their Blogging U courses are worthwhile and fun.

I nominate the following bloggers for the award.

  1. Centered in the Saddle
  2. AHA Moments
  3. Whippetwisdom
  4. Wanderlustplusone
  5. Shivashish Speaks
  6. Stories of Wanderer
  7. Frank Prem
  8. Notis Stamos photography
  9. Horse for Elinor
  10. A Writer’s Life
  11. The $900 Facebook Pony
  12. Susiesopinions
  13. La Rioja el mundo desde mi guardavinas
  14. Build a Dean
  15. My Art and Me.

There are many others that I enjoy reading as well. This is just my ‘starter’ list.


18 responses to “Bloggers Recognition Award!”

  1. Ostruck Avatar

    What a novel concept of appreciation

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Yes! It is also fun to participate and encourages other bloggers.

  2. Avery Avatar

    Well you certainly deserve it! I so look forward to your posts and truly appreciate your support on my blog. Thank you so much for thinking of and nominating me! Made my week, that is for sure!

  3. susmitamukherjee Avatar

    Congratulations Anne! Love reading your posts. And thank you so much for your appreciation.

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      You are most welcome and thanks to you as well!

  4. Anju Raj Avatar

    Congratulations Horse Addict! Your blog opened a new world in front of me.. A world that was not so familiar to me ! 🙂 Keep writing more!

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Thank you. I’m glad I’ve been able to introduce horses to you. They ar wonderful animals and certainly more than pets both now a din the history of the human race.

  5. susiesopinions Avatar

    Congratulations. Thank you so much for the nomination. I will be packing, and driving home tomorrow. I will try and do the post, but it might take a few days.

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      There is no rush. Accepting the nomination is voluntary but it is fun to do it. I nominated you as you post good reviews of a wide range of products that people may find interesting. Safe travels home!

      1. susiesopinions Avatar

        Thank you.

  6. Vicky Earle Avatar

    Congratulations on the Bloggers Recognition Award! You have earned recognition through both the quality and frequency of your informative and interesting posts.

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Thank you I appreciate that coming from you. Hope all is well with you and your family.

  7. whippetwisdom Avatar

    Congratulations Anne and thank you so much for thinking of us ☺ Our blog went Award-Free last October and your visits are more than award enough 💖

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      You are most welcome. I forgot you were an ‘award free’ blog site. It is quite understandable. I hope that a few people may see the name of your blog and take a look.

      1. whippetwisdom Avatar

        Thank you so much Anne, that is really kind of you 💖 xxx

  8. wanderlustplusone Avatar

    Omg I didn’t even notice. Thanks so much for thinking of me and I’m over the moon.
    Vanessa x

  9. wanderlustplusone Avatar

    Congratulations, you definitely deserve it. Always love reading your posts,

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Thank you so much and as you see YOU are nominated!

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