Tag: Luis Reteguiz Denizard

  • Gorgeous and Accomplished!

    Gorgeous and Accomplished!

    You know you are off to a good start in a clinic when the clinician, who happens to be a 4* judge,watches your warm up your horse and says.: “What a gorgeous horse!” However that does NOT mean she will not have lots of corrections and useful critiques to give me on how I can…

  • Monday Minstrel: Riding the Teeter Totter!

    Monday Minstrel: Riding the Teeter Totter!

    Do not worry! I am not referring to the Teeter Totter of Life! This is the Monday Minstrel and I only aim to entertain and sprinkle a bit of helpful information around. If you follow this blog you will know that my Florida coach Luis Denizard (Lou to his friends) always has some ‘outside the…

  • A Leap of Faith!

    A Leap of Faith!

    Yesterday I felt the world was spinning in a frantic cycle of bad news. The fires in Australia and the loss of life there both human and animal was what disturbed me the most. It was time to go for a hack . Fortunatley I had already told my Florida coach Lou Denizard that I…

  • I’m in Charge!

    I’m in Charge!

    I can make a mistake but I had better correct it quickly!

  • Coaches: The good, the bad, the indifferent.

    Coaches: The good, the bad, the indifferent.

    Sometimes they push you on relentlessly.

  • Gratitude!


    Thank you!

  • The Championship Series!

    The Championship Series!

    I heard the judge say :”Oh dear!”

  • Nancy Hutson: ‘Don’t Let the Old Gal In’

    Nancy Hutson: ‘Don’t Let the Old Gal In’

    Stay humble and get the best coach and trainer you can find.

  • Of Poles and Pitchforks…

    Of Poles and Pitchforks…

    Riding while holding a pitchfork full of manure? How does that work? Let me explain. How do ride holding a pitchfork. 1.This is photo of me holding an actual pitchfork minus the manure! The way you do this while riding is to IMAGINE you are holding a pitchfork. And the pitchfork comes out of your…

  • Biasini Speaks: Happy Trails

    Biasini Speaks: Happy Trails

    Hello Dear Humans! Ma Leueen has been telling you about all the hard work we have been doing. Lots of Dressage and Discipline! But we don’t do that ALL the time. Some days we go out for a trail ride. That’s what we did today. Me and my friend and Bodyguard Khan went out together.…

  • Discipline!


    Internal Discipline: This is the discipline that sets your alarm at 6am and actually gets you up at 6 am and off to the gym and then you do the 3 sets of 12 reps of those strengthening exercises. External Discipline: This is the discipline that the gym’s trainer exerts when he or she counts…

  • Silent Sunday

    Silent Sunday

    All photos by Joanna Jodko Photography. White Fences Show February 22,23 2019