Biasini Speaks: The Dentist Came to See Me.

Hello, Dear Humans, as promised I am going to tell you about the dentist.  I know you humans don’t like dentists. My human, Ma Leueen, says she hates going  to the  dentist.  I have learned that  human’s teeth are different; human’s teeth don’t grow ,they have to last for the whole of the human’s life. That is a loooong time! Ma Leueen has told me that you spend  time every day brushing your teeth and pulling bits of string through the gaps between the teeth and even then sometimes your teeth go bad , you  have to get holes drilled in them, then get those holes filled up and when they can’t be filled up any more the dentists pull the teeth right out of  your heads!  And some people have a lot of their teeth pulled out of their heads and they have to wear fake teeth. These fake teeth come out and sit in a glass of water at night.  Euw!  That is disgusting.  I am glad  we horses don’t have to go through any of that.

We horses have teeth like sharks.  Heh Heh!  I know you humans hate sharks even more than dentists.  But don’t worry, horses don’t eat humans like sharks do.  But our teeth grow all through our lives just like sharks teeth do.  Why do they keep growing you ask?  Well, I’ll tell you.

Back in the day, before we lived with humans, we spent all our time eating grasses and other growing things.  We were using our front teeth to pull off the grass shoots and then our back teeth to grind them down before we swallowed them. We did this all day pretty much every day. So, we wore our teeth down.  But now, we don’t live like that. We get some hay and some time on grass and we get other food but we are not eating and grinding our teeth down all the time. So our teeth can get too long and they can grow sharp edges that will cut out cheeks.  So the dentist comes to file down our teeth and take off the sharp edges.

WPC Unusual (3 of 3)

Doctor Jayme came yesterday and took a look at my mouth. Then she put a sharp needle into my neck. Just a little prick, nothing painful.  Then she stood and talked to Ma Leueen while I drifted off to Cloud Land.  I was still awake more or less but really did not care too much about anything.  Then Dr. Jayme put a big thing into my mouth to hold it open while she worked on my teeth.  She used a drill machine to file down the sharp edges and when my mouth would get dry, from being open, she would squirt some water into it. It didn’t take long, or at least I don’t think it did.  Dr. Jayme took the mouth opener thing out of my mouth and I had a nice nap. By the time I woke up it was time to go outside for lunch. Lunch ‘al fresco’, in the sunshine, with my comfortable teeth.

I’m sorry you humans can’t grow your teeth. It is a much better way to go and clearly in your past some humans made an evolutionary mistake. Such a pity.  It is much easier to file down growing teeth than to drill, fill and pull old teeth that never grow.

Till next time Dear Humans!



24 responses to “Biasini Speaks: The Dentist Came to See Me.”

  1. dorothychiotti Avatar

    Jayme is the best dentist 👍

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Yes she is excellent! And Biasini is good with her as well.

  2. Nurul Fitri Lubis Avatar

    I always got stress anytime I had to go to see my dentist. But after seeing your experience, my stress was nothing compared to you 😀

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Biasini replies: ” some humans have said this but I think it is the big drill that scares them. but we horses have big heads and mouths . Way bigger than humans. So the drills are not scary for us. We need them to be that big. But thank you for your sympathy.”

  3. charliecountryboy Avatar

    After seeing what you have to go through I’ll never fear the dentist again Biasini thank you 😀

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Biasini replies: ” thank you but from what I have heard humans have a worse time than we horses. “

  4. dray0308 Avatar

    Reblogged this on Dream Big, Dream Often.

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Thanks for reblogging Biasini. I will let him know.

      1. dray0308 Avatar


  5. Robyn Avatar

    I had no idea, Biasini, that your teeth kept growing! Sounds like you were a good patient. Hope you got an extra treat for being so good! 🙂

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Biasini replies: ” thank you. I like to let humans know about horses. Yes I did get a nice treat of molasses and oats.”

  6. usathroughoureyes Avatar

    Wow Biasini as humans we’re not going to criticize the drill our dentist uses after seeing the one used on you. Thank you for taking us along to your dentist visit and teaching us.

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Biasini replies: ” Yes we horses get to have the Big Drills. Made by De Walt. Ma Leueen says that is a good company for drills. For we horses they need to be big as we have such big mouths and big teeth. “

      1. usathroughoureyes Avatar

        LOL. some very big teeth indeed, lol.

  7. Judy Avatar

    Well done, Baisini! My horse hated having his teeth filed. The looks he gave me… but he always felt better afterward.

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Oh dear! Well it is important so they need to have it done and at least he was happy when the work was finished.

  8. sandyjwhite Avatar

    I didn’t know a horse’s teeth keep growing.
    I’m with Biasini on this one…it would be great if human teeth did likewise!

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      It would spare us some grief and expense I think.

      1. sandyjwhite Avatar


  9. fearlessinjesuschrist Avatar

    What an amazing process! I’m glad you were given something to help you rest through the process. I love going to the dentist! I love having my teeth cleaned! I know I must be very weird.

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Biasini replies: ” Well! You are a very different human for the dentist dislikers I have met. Thank you for your comment I am happy to know someone who likes the dentist as I do.”

  10. dinosaursdonkeysandms Avatar

    Aww, so glad your dentist experience was ok. I hate the dentist!
    Even though I’m not sure I could go through teeth being filed down like you do. The drill looks massive! xxx

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Biasini replies: ” don’t worry my mouth is waaaay bigger than a human’s mouth so it’s no problem. But thank you for the expression of sympathy.”

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