Biasini Speaks: I have NEVER done this before!

Well Dear Humans I have done something completely new to me. I have never done this before I can assure you. No..No…I was not misbehaving . Ma Leueen and Groom Lexi introduced me to something called Long Lining. I knew something was up when Ma Leueen finished grooming me and then she put on a strange saddle pad. It was not one of mine. Then Groom Lexi came and put a thing around my middle and led me into the arena. Then she attached these incredibly long reins.

Ma Leueen told me I was going to do something called Long Lining with Groom Lexi. I did know that Groom Lexi did this because I have seen her doing it with my friend Dave, who lives in a stall across the hall from me. So I guess now I will have to call her Long Liner Lexi. Ha! I like that sound of that. Don’t you? Long Liner Lexi! Maybe LL Lexi for short.

So LL Lexi got me all geared up with side reins and the long reins.

Then she encouraged me to walk forward and she was walking behind me.

Well that felt a bit unusual but I got the idea. We did a few circles and some stops and starts and I thought I had it down. To be honest, Dear Humans, I was doing waaaaay better than Dave. He seems to get a bit frustrated with the process. But then we went up to the end of the arena. I have been seeing things up there lately. Ma Leueen says it’s something to do with the cold weather, something shiny in two places on the wood. I can see it but when I get beside it…poof...its gone. I do NOT like that. So when we went up there I stopped. LL Lexi encouraged me to go ahead but she had put a pole so I had to go close to the wall. Yipes! So I sped up and trotted through. LL Lexi said I had done well. Well after a couple more times I had it down. I am a Very Brave Horse! I was comfortable halting in between the two shiny places.

I could go in the other direction and turn and trot out over the pole.

As a reward LL Lexi let me have a little canter in the middle of the arena.

So there you have it. I am a star at this long lining thing. LL Lexi gave me an apple and Ma Leueen gave me some carrots. A good day I’d say.

Till next time Dear Humans.


35 responses to “Biasini Speaks: I have NEVER done this before!”

  1. da-AL Avatar

    Never heard of – you are indeed talented — & such a wonderful mom you have 🙂

  2. Avery Avatar

    Good boy! I have long lined my Lito several times. I did this before I rode him and had him doing all different things in them. I long lined him a little while ago to mix things up and to see how he remembered it. He did!

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      i’m glad to know that Lito liked it too. 🐴

  3. popsiclesociety Avatar

    You are a brave star dear Biasini! 💕💝

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Thank you Ribana Human for this comment. I do try to be brave.

  4. eventerinprogress Avatar

    What a big brave man!

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Thank you Evemter Human . I know the eventing horses are very brave . I try to be brave too.🐴

  5. Amy Avatar

    That is so impressive, Biasini! 🙂

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Thank you Amy Human. It was fun.

  6. Subbashini Meenakshi Sundaram Avatar

    Happy to see you again Biasini, you looks great in the last picture. Whenever you comes you come with something new that shows me a better world. Thank you so much for that ❤️

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Ah my good friend Subbashini. I am happy to hear that. I like to know you are happy.🐴

  7. Irene Avatar

    Well done, Biasini. Brave, you definitely are. 😊

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Thank you Irene Human. 🐴

  8. violaetcetera Avatar

    Your humans really try a lot of things so you are not bored. And you did so well!

  9. Emma Cownie Avatar

    Why are the humans making you canter around without Ma Leueen?

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Good question Emma Human. I have had trouble with those shiny patches on the wood at the end of the arena. For at least a week I have not been able to get over it. So instead of.having Ma Leueen ride me and have me keep stopping it was suggested that long lining would get me to go past the shiny patches on my own. I would just have to man up and be brave and go past them. So that’s what I did. The humans say it is a good way of helping a spooky horse. So there you have it!

      1. Emma Cownie Avatar

        I see, very interesting strategy. I hope it works for you!

  10. cagedunn Avatar

    We call it lunging down here, and all beginner riders have to have it attached so they don’t startle the horse – very important, Biasini, to keep the wildlings off the mouth at the start of things. They have to learn that first, and then we may let them use their hands

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      I agree Cage Human🐴

  11. kunstkitchen Avatar

    You are such a beauty to see. fun to read of your new long-line adventure.

  12. whippetwisdom Avatar

    Well done sweet Biasini, you are so brave! 🤗🍏🥕 xxx

  13. sandyjwhite Avatar

    Bravo, Biasini. Well done!

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Thank you Sandy Human.🐴

      1. Tina Schell Avatar

        What an interesting approach the humans took to get you past your hesitation Biasini. Good for you for conquering your fears!

        1. anne leueen Avatar

          I did my best Tina Human. Today I was back in the arena and took a deep breath and went past the scary shiny bits on the wood. Thank you for your supportive comment.🐴

          1. Tina Schell Avatar

            You’re a wonderful, brave guy Biasini. Keep up the good work!

          2. anne leueen Avatar

            Many thanks Tina Human🐴

  14. dprastka Avatar

    Awe, it’s hard when there are shiny things there then poof, it’s gone and what a great way to learn to be brave. What a good boy, and you did great with LL Lexi! You are such a joy to hear from, what a brave boy! ❤️🥕🍎

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Thank you so much for this nice comment Diana Human. They are unusual those shiny patches on the wood. But I think I did well to get past them. 🐴

  15. Sagittarius Viking Avatar

    How fun! I usually do this with a horse before he/she gets trained to be a riding horse. There’s a book I love, and that I’ve read many during the years; The Art of Long Reining, by Sylvia Steiner. It’s a very good read if you think that you will use long reining as a tool from time to time.

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Thank you Viking Human. I will pass this along to Ma Leueen. She tells me you have moved to a country with a LOT of snow. I hope you are enjoying it. 🐴

  16. Kelly MacKay Avatar

    That was the cutest post ever….

  17. susiesopinions Avatar

    You are very brave. Well done ♥️

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Thank you Susie Human. I try my best to be brave.🐴

      1. susiesopinions Avatar

        I know you do.

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