Month: March 2019

  • Of Poles and Pitchforks…

    Of Poles and Pitchforks…

    Riding while holding a pitchfork full of manure? How does that work? Let me explain. How do ride holding a pitchfork. 1.This is photo of me holding an actual pitchfork minus the manure! The way you do this while riding is to IMAGINE you are holding a pitchfork. And the pitchfork comes out of your…

  • The Gift of Goodbye.

    The Gift of Goodbye.

    Today we had to say goodbye to our little friend Tia. She was in her 14th year and she had been with my husband David and me for 12 of those years. I always felt she was very happy to have a family of her own. She had been intermittently unwell for the past couple…

  • Monday Minstrel: A Smile for Monday!

    Monday Minstrel: A Smile for Monday!

  • One Word Sunday -Row

    Percherons at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. My response to the One Word Sunday challenge ROW.

  • Where in the World is Carmen Franco?

    Where in the World is Carmen Franco?

    She’s back in the CDI ring! Riding, on the Colombian team, in the CDIO Nations Cup at the Adequan Global Dressage Festival last week. I had a chance to speak with Carmen after her ride in the Prix St. George test. Carmen let’s start at the beginning. How old were you when you started riding…

  • Three Years Blogging!

    Three Years Blogging!

    WordPress sent me a congratulatory comment today to let me know that it was 3 years ago that my son helped me set up my blog Horse Addict. It has been a fun learning experience. Here are some statistics: Views: 189,346 Visitors: 109,110 Posts: 583 What have I enjoyed the most? Meeting other bloggers in…

  • Tina Irwin: When Dreams Turn Into Goals.

    Tina Irwin: When Dreams Turn Into Goals.

    Sometimes things happen for a reason.

  • Monday Minstrel: The Judge’s POV

    Monday Minstrel: The Judge’s POV

    Their POV may not be ideal for some movements but….

  • Belinda Trussell: The Balancing Act.

    Belinda Trussell: The Balancing Act.

    He’s a mouse in a big body!

  • Biasini Speaks: Happy Trails

    Biasini Speaks: Happy Trails

    Hello Dear Humans! Ma Leueen has been telling you about all the hard work we have been doing. Lots of Dressage and Discipline! But we don’t do that ALL the time. Some days we go out for a trail ride. That’s what we did today. Me and my friend and Bodyguard Khan went out together.…

  • Discipline!


    Internal Discipline: This is the discipline that sets your alarm at 6am and actually gets you up at 6 am and off to the gym and then you do the 3 sets of 12 reps of those strengthening exercises. External Discipline: This is the discipline that the gym’s trainer exerts when he or she counts…

  • Monday Minstrel: Celebration

    Monday Minstrel: Celebration

    “Being alive everyday is blessing enough to celebrate everyday.”-—Terry Mark Celebration! This week iScriblr has given us the word Celebration as her Freedom of Expression challenge and asks us to write a blog post about what it means to us. Well, for me celebration is being able to ride my horse; to ride, to train…