Biasini Speaks: It’s about the Snow!

Hello Dear Humans. We have snow here. Lots of it. This past week Farrier Joe came to do my hooves and he put on something special on my front hooves. I have metal shoes on my front feet and the snow gets all stuck in the hoof  and ends up in a big ball of ice under the hoof. Well that makes it very difficult to walk properly and sometimes we horses can get injured as our legs bend the wrong way with the balls of ice under our hooves. Farrier Joe fixed up my front hooves so that doesn’t happen. He put on something he calls snow pazz or padz. They’re rubber or plastic or something and they stop the snow from balling up under my hooves.

When I was walking out to the paddock after Farrier Joe had put them on my hooves felt a bit weird. Barn Manager Carl was walking me out and he never misses anything as you know.  Eyes sharp as an eagle! So he then trots me on the hard barn floor to see what’s wrong. Then he calls Ma Leueen and tells her I’m not lame but I’m a bit uneven in front.  Well I wanted to tell him it was just the snow padz. But I don’t speak Human so I couldn’t.   He took me outside and I had a nice time out in the snow and was quite warm in my black blanket.

Later Ma Leueen came and she told me Farrier Joe was coming back to look at my hooves. When he came he used some pincer things on my hooves and that felt OK to me. Then Barn Manager Carl had to trot me in the arena while Farrier Jo and Ma Leueen watched.  I was fine. Absolutely fine. I was  used to the snow padz by then. Farrier Joe understood that and told Ma Leueen that had been the problem.

That very afternoon I was glad I had the padz cause the other horses coming in had awful balls of ice under their feet and Groom Lexi had to stop them as soon as they came in and pick the balls of ice off their hooves.


Today we horses all went out and were talking about the snow. There was a lot of it falling today. We enjoy that and when the humans are not looking we catch the flakes on our tongues and laugh about it.  Ma Leueen took a photo after we had all come in and were warming up in the barn.

Till next time Dear Humans!  🐴




34 responses to “Biasini Speaks: It’s about the Snow!”

  1. txjessy Avatar

    This was too cute my dear 🐴, sounds like you had an eventful day and Ma Leueen took some great pictures! 💕

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Thank you Jessy Human! My life is always busy. I’m glad you liked my post. I’m dictating another one to Ma Leueen soon

      1. txjessy Avatar

        I look forward to it, my dear 🐴! 👐 💕

  2. Subbashini Meenakshi Sundaram Avatar

    Very beautiful photograph Biasini. I never lived in snowing place your words taught me, snow is not so beautiful as it looks to experience.

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Thank you for commenting Subbashini Human. We have lots of snow this year and since Ma Leueen has me wrapped up in nice warm blankets it is ok. But I will be happy to get to Florida soon where it is nice and warm.

  3. Centered in the Saddle Avatar

    Duke has snow pads, too! We’ve gotten some snow already this year, though not as much as you!

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Thank you for commenting Centered Human. Please give Duke my best regards. Ma Leueen has told me he is a very nice horse.

  4. Avery Avatar

    Man, what a sight!

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Today we has sunshine at last so it all looks beautiful but we have had a week of grey skies,cold and snow. It is going to get even colder and by the weekend we get a break and warmer temps. I’m hoping to get out to some forest trails this week with Biasini aa long as it is not too icy.

      1. Avery Avatar

        So cold! I hope you get to do it!

  5. Tina Schell Avatar

    How beautiful! And what a lucky horse!!

  6. Emma Cownie Avatar

    Good Luck with those snow shoes!

  7. Cyranny Avatar

    Always fun to read your posts dear Biasini 🙂 We’re having early snow too, in Montréal… It looks like we’re going to have a long winter! Good thing your good Ma made sure your hooves were ready for it! You’ll be enjoying it a lot more this way 🙂 *big hugs*

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Thank you for this nice comment Cyranny Human. I hope you can enjoy the snow where you are.

      1. Cyranny Avatar

        Yes, we are getting a little more almost everyday this week. I have a feeling winter has set for good already 🙂

  8. Raj Krishna Avatar

    Hi Biasini!! 🖐️

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Hello to you too Raj Human!

      1. Raj Krishna Avatar

        How have you been Biasini?

        1. anne leueen Avatar

          I am very well thank you Raj Human. I am working hard in the lessons with Coach Belinda but Ma Leueen tells me she has to work harder than me in those lessons. Do you have snow where you live?

          1. Raj Krishna Avatar

            Hahaha, I am sure you’ll learn things quickly. And Biasini, I live within tropics so no snowfall for me.

  9. Victoria Ray NB Avatar

    I missed the talk of this smart animal :))
    I guess horses doesn’t like snow much…actually what is the perfect weather for them? Or is it depends on where they grew up? just like us, ppl 😂

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Biasini has allowed me to reply to your comment Ray! Horses can tolerate cold quite well. If they are not clipped and live out 24/7 they will grow hairy winter coats that will keep them warm and dry. If they are Arab or Thoroughbreds however they do not grow thick enough coats and so would need blankets or overnight stabling Horses like Biasini who are in work have to be clipped in the winter. Otherwise they will sweat when worked and then get chilled with their long winter coats wet when they finish the work. Also Biasini goes to Florida and a thick winter coat is not needed there. So the horses are clipped and then have winter blankets that keep them warm and dry. In terms of horse health they do not have an concerns about cold air and cold weather. The heat is more of a threat to horses. They have a large body mass in their centers and not enough skin area in their legs to disperse the heat they generate if worked in the heat. So we are always cautious about working horses too hard in hot weather and make sure they get hosed or bathed with cool water after work and are given electrolytes to encourage them to drink to replace the water and salts lost through sweating.

      1. Victoria Ray NB Avatar

        Thank you for this amazing answer… its almost a scientific for me! And it was very good info to know, but I kinda guessed that heat should be worse (its usually for many animals), but it’s just when I’m passing by diff horse ride centres here in Sweden and see horses outside I often think – is it cold for them..?
        thanks again to Biasini and you 🙂

  10. whippetwisdom Avatar

    The snow looks beautiful dear Biasini and so glad to hear you have padz to keep you safe. Enjoy your trail ride and we wish you and your Ma a wonderful weekend 🤗💖🐎 xxx

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Thank you Whippet Human. Always nice to hear from you. Happiest of ends of week to you and Pearl and Eivor .

  11. sandyjwhite Avatar

    I never thought about needing to winterize a horse, Biasiani, but I’m glad you are rid of the pesky ice balls. Enjoy playing in the snow!

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Thank you Sandy Human! I am enjoying it. It is not too cold and the snow is preferable to the sinking mud and rain we had a few weeks ago. Enjoy the end of week!

  12. dprastka Avatar

    Wow Biasini, that’s so interesting about the special pads for snow. I have lived one year in the snow in our local mountains and what an experience I’ll never forget. The black ice was especially scary. I did not own any horses at that time. Now I live where there’s never snow, so I’ve always wondered what the snow can do to your hoofs and the like.
    I love the photo your Ma shared! ❤️

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Thank you for commenting Diana Human. The snow is fun but I’ll be glad to get down to Florida and warmer weather. 🐎

  13. laura bruno lilly Avatar

    I’d love to hear those horses laughing after catching snowflakes on their tongues – alas, but I am a mere human.

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Oh Laure Human it is just a bit of fun we horses have in the snow. And I don’t see humans as being less than we horses just different.

  14. James J. Cudney IV Avatar

    That is an awesome photo! And I’m sorry you had to go thru that B…. all better now.

    1. anne leueen Avatar

      Thank you James Human. Now that we have all this snow I’m happy I’ve got my snow padz. Ma Leueen says next week we will go for a trail ride in the forest. I could not so that without the pads! Good to hear from you.

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